Some words about the website and its usage.
BLR - The Benelux Lightwave Resource is a Lightwave3D community and file repository. All files available are here with permission of their owners. You are free to use the models, scenes, textures, materials and such in your own projects for personal or commercial use unless specified on the details page of a specific file.
We (BLR) are in no way responsible for violating the possible copyrights by users who download the files. We urgently express you to follow the possible restrictions on a file so that we can keep providing others the luxuriously of having the file available for download.
We (BLR) are in no way responsible for any damage you may obtain from downloading these files. Registered users have the option to upload files and we do not have the manpower to test each file thoroughly. There is a first check we make to see if the file is complete and contains what is promised.
If you own one or more files and would like to add additional information, please let us know and we will make you "owner" of the specific file. If you just want to have us change information, just let us know.
We (BLR) are not responsible for the comments other users place. We do remove any comments that are racist, contain sexual content (well to an extend) or other comments we think might hurt or offend others.