Convert Lightwave Scene files with European numbering system to US system
If you are using a PC that has a numbering system like : 12.345,00 then Lightwave 10.0 or 10.1 will not load scenesfiles you receive from other countries correctly. To solve this you need to set your windows Regional settings to a numbering system like : 12,345.00. The decimal point needs to change from a , (comma) to a . (period). This allows you to load up scenefiles from others, but now you cannot load the scenes you created earlier with LW 10.0 or 10.1. To convert those scenefiles, you can use this webpage. It will convert all 12.345,00 to 12,345.00.
Use the form below to submit the scenefile (*.lws and Maximum of 16 MBytes) that is not loading correctly into Lightwave 10.0 or 10.1. It will convert the scenefile for you and opt for download.